torsdag 18 oktober 2018

Turkiska galna man erdogan hotade eu om europeiska länder göra inte vad som erdogan vill han kan skicka många syriska flyktingar till europeiska länder precis som gjorde i 2015

Turkiska galna man erdogan hotade eu om europeiska länder göra inte vad som erdogan vill han kan skicka många syriska flyktingar till europeiska länder precis som gjorde i 2015

Turkish authorities repeatedly have threatened Europe with an influx of migrants. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's threats should not be ignored.
☪️Ever since the migrant crisis started to escalate in 2011 -- with the onset of civil war in Syria -- those who were critical of mass, unchecked immigration have been called "racists," "bigots" or "Islamophobes."
☪️Today, however, the continued chaos in many European countries caused by immigration, and accompanying increase in crime -- including murder and rape committed by Islamist extremists -- appear to have proven the critics right.

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